Christmas is a wonderful time when we celebrate the coming of Jesus. What an amazing gift to humanity. It is also a good time to remember that many people are less fortunate than ourselves. Many people go to Church services and enjoy singing carols that tell the Christmas story.
Keep Jesus at the centre
Can money make you happy?
“Can money make you happy?” was the title of a TEDx talk by Michael Norton I listened to recently. It caught my attention. It’s definitely true that having enough money to pay the bills and having some left over makes for a much easier life.
Four ways to train your children to handle money
If you have children, God has given you a tremendous opportunity and responsibility to nurture them and allow Him to use you to shape and mould them into all God desires for them.
Can You Outgive God?
There are some people around me who are generous. I stayed with friends from Church recently and they were so hospitable, generous and kind they made me feel loved but humbled too. I was so blessed. I believe they were too, as they gave just as it says in Acts 20:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive."