Hello, I’m Mark Lloydbottom – the Founder of Your Money Counts in the UK.
I was appointed by Howard Dayton of Crown Financial Ministries 10 years ago, to head up the ministry in the UK. Howard then left Crown to start Compass with 10 European countries who were committed to his biblical finance ministry. I continue to work with Howard and the Compass European ministry and have spent four years creating new studies. Please be assured that this is the same ministry team that you met at some point in the past.
Our Biblical Focus
Howard Dayton discovered the 2350 verses that relate to what God wants us to know about the handling of our money and possessions.
“Man’s economy” is all too ready to tell us what we can do but what does God’s economy look like?
Very different.
For a FREE DOWNLOAD of all the 2350 verses fully categorised CLICK HERE
The Bible is incredibly practical and has much to say about saving, debt and living a generous life - all issues that affect our daily lives. Each month we would like to share insights and interesting stories with you.
Have a look through our exciting new website. Watch our teaching videos and find excellent tools to help you manage your money.
Until next time,