Who owns it all?

Greater peace and freedom can come into our lives when we understand God’s role and our role concerning our finances. The Bible says :

“Everything in the heavens and the earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your Kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. Riches and honour come from you alone, and you are the ruler of all mankind: your hand controls power and might, and it is at your discretion that men are made great and given strength.” 1 Chronicles 29:11-12 (TLB)

Acknowledging that God’s owns everything can be a big shift in our hearts and minds. However once we accept this it will influence our decisions and how we use God’s money. We become stewards or managers of what He has given us and as a result have a responsibility to be faithful. The wonderful thing is that He doesn’t just leave us to do this alone. We have Holy Spirit to guide us, we have His Word to direct us and a loving Father who is interested in every aspect of our lives.

What is our role?

We are his stewards. A steward is one who manages wisely the resources entrusted to him by another.

How do you relate to your money and your possessions?

There are four main ways people relate to money and possessions.

  1. 1The self absorbed owner believes everything belongs to them and they have full authority in deciding how to use it.

  2. The obligated owner believes they owns it all and have full authority over it, but at the same time feels an obligation to give some of his money away.

  3. The obedient owner takes seriously the Biblical call to tithe 10% to God’s work, and usually feels good about being obedient. However, they still retain ownership of the remaining 90% and exercises full authority of what remains.

  4. The love inspired steward believes deeply that God not only created and provided all that they have, but that the Master retains full ownership. As a result, all decisions related to money and possessions are in the context of seeking God’s direction in the use of His (God’s) possessions.

Do you identify with any of these characteristics from one of more of these ways?

How can we overcome the world’s system?

The Bible highlights the problem of putting our faith, trust and confidence in money instead of God. When money is the focus of our affection we look to find security in it.

The Bible says:

No-one can serve two masters. Either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Matthew 6:24

The word Jesus uses in this verse for money is Mammon which depicts the force behind money. The word means “in whom I trust.” Jesus was warning us we need to choose between serving God or trusting in money. Money can compete for our allegiance.

The pull of money can creep into our daily lives, take hold of us, subtly changing how we think bringing with it increased greed, stinginess and sometimes worry and anxiety.

If you identify with this, take a moment to repent and determine to get back on the right track again. Acknowledge that everything is the Lord’s and He is entrusting what He gives to you. He is so faithful and kind and has promised to provide for us.

If you need extra help find a mature Christian friend or someone you trust who can give you wise counsel.

Fear the Lord, you His Saints, for those who fear Him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord will lack no good thing.”
Psalm 34:9-10

Learning contentment through thankfulness and being generous will keep the world’s system at bay.

Marketing encourages us to buy things that we often don’t need and the financial companies are very happy to lend us the money for those items. As a result debt is commonplace and there is even an expectation that it need not be paid off as debt has become acceptable in our society. Sometimes hard times come upon us and debt is unavoidable but generally our society seems to esteem/highlight materialism and wealth and possessions without the emphasis on the importance of character and skills.

Take the opportunity each day this week to think of something you are grateful for. Write it down. It can also be something to re read in times when you need encouragement.

What brings you satisfaction?

Words of wisdom

“Materialism is to generosity what kryptonite was to Superman.“ Lloyd Shadrach

“A wise man should have money in his head, but not money in his heart.” Jonathan Swift