“Can money make you happy?” was the title of a TEDx talk by Michael Norton I listened to recently. It caught my attention. It’s definitely true that having enough money to pay the bills and having some left over makes for a much easier life. Many people dream of winning the lottery as they think their lives would change for the better and they would be happier. However the opposite is true. It is reported that a large proportion of lottery winners have spent all the money and gone into debt, as well as having their social lives spoilt as friends were always asking them for money.
Norton did an experiment on the University campus in Canada where money (between $5 and $20) was given to students to spend. The people who spent money on themselves reported that they felt no different. The people who spent the money on other people reported that they felt happier. Even giving a small amount of money made a difference.
Norton then continued the experiment in Uganda and came to the same conclusions, although some of the giving had more significance – as a small amount of money can be life changing in a country where there is a lot of poverty.
We have an incredibly generous God, who gave us His only son so that we can have a way back into a relationship with the Father. Giving is part of God’s nature. The Bible encourages us to give generously and cheerfully and regularly. I wonder if Michael Norton was just observing the principle that when we give to others we are blessed and as a result feel happier.
Why do we sometimes hold back?
Lack of trust in God and fear of not having enough if we give some away, are two factors that can influence our actions in this area. However, if we choose to trust God and give over and above what we are comfortable with, then we give God the opportunity to prove that He does fulfil his promise of provision.
My experience has shown that each time I have stepped out, beyond the fear and given away money, God is soon giving back to me in many surprising ways.
Even people who have a lot of money spend time worrying about it, whether they will lose it or what will happen to their fortunes when they die. It can be a heavy burden to carry.
In the end the deeper issue is not really anything to do with the amount of money we have, as it is always about our hearts and the attitudes within. The incredible truth is that we are the ones who benefit when we give some away and that God owns it all anyway. There is a huge freedom in this truth.
Where to give?
There are many places to give. Tithing to your home church and giving to Christian ministries is really just the beginning. There is so much need around us and we have the opportunity to bless others and build God’s Kingdom by investing in it. Unlike other investments the value cannot go down: we cannot lose what we invest in eternity. God is so creative, why not partner with Him to find imaginative ways to give to others. Allow yourself to be led by the spirit to hear what and where you should give. Enjoy the journey!
Planning for more
As you grow in your faith, why not ask yourself:
How much more can I increase my giving? Is this an area where I need a fresh start?
If you look at your finances and spending, it is often possible to make savings and increase the ways you can give. It may be as simple as reducing the number of times you buy lunch whilst you are at work and saving that money to give away. It could also be about stopping buying less essential items or things that we may decide we no longer want to do.
I found it inspiring to learn about planning my giving in this module and making goals to work to. Something I had never thought of!
If you are married, spend time talking and praying with your spouse to decide what you would like to set aside each month. Think and plan together where you could save and increase your giving. Finally prayerfully decide what you would like to do with the money that God will give you in the future that is over and above what you need. Dream with God. I believe this starts to make your relationship with money far more exciting. Watch what God does!